Dr. Ridwan Urology & Sexual Health
Aurora designed a logo and incorporated a web-based men's health program for famed urologist Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh. Dr. Ridwan’s logo is the centerpiece of his marketing efforts. His website is rich with content, complete with media sections, details on his private practice, and Aurora-produced videos and webisodes that feature discussions among expert urologists; and an online men’s health program named "The Dr. Ridwan Show." The show provides invaluable insights into the most current and important topics in sexual dysfunction and their relation to men’s health. The new site is a showcase of the doctor’s books, appearances and interactive features such as online inquiries and newsletter distribution.
Dr. Ridwan's website visitors are encouraged to submit ideas for show topics and/or submit questions to Dr. Ridwan for discussion on future episodes. Video links feature additional Dr. Shabsigh’s televised appearances and conveniently list his recent and upcoming public appearances. The website is accessible in two other languages to serve international patients and providers, and provides direct links to Amazon for visitors to purchase books he has authored. Other helpful facets of the site include a glossary, men’s health calculator and valuable resource links.